Timetable 2024



Current Timetable



1pm - 2.30pm Basic Sign Language Sharing (Linskill Centre, Priory Room)

Sharing specific signs based around a single topic


6pm - 7.30pm Signed Singing (Linskill Centre, Priory Room)

Singing and signing songs from across the years




10.30am - 12.00pm Healthy Cookery 

(East End Youth & Community Centre, Kettlewell House, George Street, North Shields, NE30 1EL)




12pm - 2pm Arts & Creativity (North Tyneside Arts Studio 2, Wallsend Forum)

Sharing your creative side via arts, crafts, paintings etc.


1pm - 2.30pm Tinnitus Support Group (Linskill Centre, Priory Room) First Wednesday of each month

Peer support and sharing coping strategies for anyone with tinnitus




5.30pm - 7.30pm Deaf & Sign Social Group (Whitley Bay Big Local) - First Thursday of each month

Spend your evening socialising with deaf and signing people.

Games, pool, table tennis etc.


6.30pm - 8.30pm Badminton (Hadrian Leisure Centre, St Peter's Road, Wallsend, NE28 7LQ)




1pm - 2pm Carpet Bowls (Seaton Sluice Community Centre)




Please contact carly@deafawarenessne.org.uk for social outings and deaf access visits


Please contact andy@deafawarenessne.org.uk for sports and health special events


There is no formal charge for deaf awareness: NE sessions and activities, although we do suggest a voluntary donation of around £2.50 for our sessions.

Thank You.


Ongoing and Upcoming Events

There is no formal charge for deaf awareness: NE sessions and activities, although we do suggest a voluntary donation of around £2.50 for our sessions.

Thank You.

Past Events